Java Basics and JUnit Notes

Today I finished an Online course for Basics Programming, Java and JUnit made available by Friendly Tester on his website for free. I tend to forget things and concepts after a while and even when I don\’t sometimes I find myself re-reading a topic again and again. So this time I made notes in a mindmap format to reduce the paper size and make it available handy whenever I want to glance at the concepts in future. 

It was not the first time I was learning a language, but with a lack of direction I used to learn for some days and then leave it in between for one or other reasons. I had learned python for sometime and then I could not finish it. The major hurdle for me was I could not figure out what exactly I wanted to learn and why. Sometimes I learned things which were irrelevant to my current work, and so when I could not use them in practice learning were of no use and after a while one would easily forget what was learned. For example I had started with python because most people said it was easy, and yes it is. I can program basic things in python as well but could not develop learning into a skill.

But Now I have started learning things which I can put into practice immediately,  or would learn only after asking myself why I want to learn it. How it\’s going to help me test better and how it will benefit me in future.

I was always afraid of Java. Might be because its error reports felt a bit scary at first. But I was proved wrong, and I could know that after attending online Java boot camp by ATA. This time I found myself enjoying online learning method and see it working for me. I got a good introduction to Java and I could look at Java code without stressing myself about what is in front of me. I realised that this is the right time to learn Java and clear fundamentals. 

I knew of about the Online course prepared by Friendly Tester on his website, and offered for free. This time I promised myself to finish these courses before I enter 2018. Following these course were never felt hard as everything from setup, contents to code examples is structured in so well mannered that I could pick up easily from where I had left last. Also content was not overwhelming which would frighten me away, and anyway extra does of resources in most sections were also there which I could easily fetch when needed. So I didn\’t have to go to google for every now and then.

The courses helped me to structure my learning steadily and today I did finish Java and JUnit. The best part of learning them was, I not even for once felt that \”I can not do it\”, in fact I enjoyed a lot learning them the whole time. And I did alter and experiment with the given code example as well. Yes, now I need to practice all this obviously but now I am at a good stage to nurture my learning in more efficient ways and use what I have learned. I am yet to take up the Selenium WebDirver course, but I plan to do it very soon.

Attaching below all the notes taken from the Online course
Online course for Basics Programming, Java and JUnit made available by Friendly Tester on his website for free. I tend to forget things and concepts after a while and even when I don\’t sometimes I find myself re-reading a topic again and again. So this time I made notes in a mindmap format to reduce the paper size and make it available handy whenever I want to glance at the concepts in future. 

It was not the first time I was learning a language, but with a lack of direction I used to learn for some days and then leave it in between for one or other reasons. I had learned python for sometime and then I could not finish it. The major hurdle for me was I could not figure out what exactly I wanted to learn and why. Sometimes I learned things which were irrelevant to my current work, and so when I could not use them in practice learning were of no use and after a while one would easily forget what was learned. For example I had started with python because most people said it was easy, and yes it is. I can program basic things in python as well but could not develop learning into a skill.

But Now I have started learning things which I can put into practice immediately,  or would learn only after asking myself why I want to learn it. How it\’s going to help me test better and how it will benefit me in future.

I was always afraid of Java. Might be because its error reports felt a bit scary at first. But I was proved wrong, and I could know that after attending online Java boot camp by ATA. This time I found myself enjoying online learning method and see it working for me. I got a good introduction to Java and I could look at Java code without stressing myself about what is in front of me. I realised that this is the right time to learn Java and clear fundamentals. 

I knew of about the Online course prepared by Friendly Tester on his website, and offered for free. This time I promised myself to finish these courses before I enter 2018. Following these course were never felt hard as everything from setup, contents to code examples is structured in so well mannered that I could pick up easily from where I had left last. Also content was not overwhelming which would frighten me away, and anyway extra does of resources in most sections were also there which I could easily fetch when needed. So I didn\’t have to go to google for every now and then.

The courses helped me to structure my learning steadily and today I did finish Java and JUnit. The best part of learning them was, I not even for once felt that \”I can not do it\”, in fact I enjoyed a lot learning them the whole time. And I did alter and experiment with the given code example as well. Yes, now I need to practice all this obviously but now I am at a good stage to nurture my learning in more efficient ways and use what I have learned. I am yet to take up the Selenium WebDirver course, but I plan to do it very soon.

Attaching below all the notes taken from the Online course