मुझे लगा
बिखरा पड़ा मिलालगा बेकार जो पत्थर जुड़ जुड़ बना पहाड़लगा जैसे सुंदर कोई शिखर खाली हाथ मिलालगा गुमनाम जो फ़कीर झोला क्या उठाया साथलगा शायद हो मशहूर मुसाफिर गैरों ने हाल पूछाकहा ठीक तो हूं यार अपनों ने पास बुलायालगा… Continue reading
बिखरा पड़ा मिलालगा बेकार जो पत्थर जुड़ जुड़ बना पहाड़लगा जैसे सुंदर कोई शिखर खाली हाथ मिलालगा गुमनाम जो फ़कीर झोला क्या उठाया साथलगा शायद हो मशहूर मुसाफिर गैरों ने हाल पूछाकहा ठीक तो हूं यार अपनों ने पास बुलायालगा… Continue reading
“The mountains are calling and I must go.” – John Muir When a mountain calls, all one needs to do is stuff her backpack and leave to sleep into the lap of the mother nature. I have been to a… Continue reading
It’s been a very long time since my last post. I wrote a few times in the air but writing and sharing a post or experiences now do not excite me anymore. I don’t know why, may be mind now… Continue reading
ज़िन्दगीइन पत्तो की तरहकभी गुलाबी, कभी हरी, कभी पिली, कभी बादामी होती है…हर रंग की इज़्ज़त करे…और प्यार भी…एक ही रंग की चाहत और उम्मीदसिर्फ सूखा छोड़ जाती है…
How honest are you while answering every “How are you” people casually throw at you in the name of conversation starter? Do you run out of words while introducing yourself to others? Our answers change depending on the people who are asking,… Continue reading
दरिया होकर भी यूं ही नहीं भेजता मै लहरों को किनारे पर यह तो तस्वीर खींचता रहता हूं जब भागता है कोई कूड़ा कचरा डालकर शांति से चुपचाप बहता रहता हूं पूरा दिन इधर से उधर पर जब तुम मेरी… Continue reading
I am a software tester by profession, and we testers know that testing is an art of investigation. It requires great observational and analytical skills. A tester keeps questioning to dig deeper and deeper in order to get the quality… Continue reading
May be God adds waiting as precondition to whatever I do. S/he enjoys changing it better I say like to mess up my plans. First train to amritsar got cancelled and I booked a flight. Later on 29th railway messaged me that… Continue reading
बारिश… बारिश…अच्छी लगती हैजब हाथ में चाय का कप हो बारिशछू लेती है… बस भीगने का मन हो बारिश…भगाती है…जब सिर पर छत न हो बारिश…रोक लेती है…अगर रास्ता कठिन हो बारिश…हरियाली देती है…बस वक्त सही हो बारिश…सूखा छोड़ जाती… Continue reading
Only 10 days had been passed since my Macbook pro stopped responding to my wake up calls. Just last year I had spent 22,000 INR to get it fixed, and 8,000 INR for its new charger. I decided not to fix… Continue reading
Last year when in March, I quit my Facebook account, little then I knew that exactly after a year Facebook founder would be testifying before the congress. There was nothing new in hearing how our data or better I say… Continue reading
Bansi – my lovely dog turned 5 on 1st of December. As it was his 5th birthday I wanted him to have a birthday cake. The person at the cake shop said that for a sugar free cake the minimum… Continue reading
An Old lady, may be in her late 70s called me to visit her home as she needed some help. As per this old couple I am a master in computers. Oh! No I don’t repair their devices nor do… Continue reading
જીવન ની તમે મઝા લેશો, તો સબંધો તમારી મઝા લેશે… સબંધો છોડીને પણ જોઈ લેજો, ખુદા ખુદ આવી એનો સબંધ બાંધશે… મરજીની આ આઝાદીથી, શું ઉખાડી લેશો, અંતે તો આઝાદી જ, એના ગુલામ બનાવી લેશે… કઈ કર્યા વગર, જીવન વ્યર્થ… Continue reading
The 19th of April has been printed deep in my mind, naturally because 4 years ago, I met an road accident on this day. Today I re-read my Post about that incident, and thought to write this blog post about the changes… Continue reading